04:35:17 Thursday April 01 2004
Yet another day. I got up early, procured myself some donuts, and got
some very solid work done for Katy. I had Indian food for lunch with
Lehmann. He was a bit slap happy from sleep deprivation, which made
him more (not less) fun to be around. After lunch there were many
meetings, all short thank goodness.
This afternoon I caught the last half of a talk entitled The
Constants of Nature by Professor John D
Barrow of Cambridge. I missed a lot, but his primary hypothesis
was that the fine structure constant was changing very slowly
(logarithmically) over time. I am not completely sure that I buy it. I
am still processing.
This evening I tried to get some cs590d done, but it just wasn't
happening. I need to dive into that code and fully grock, but I just
can't seem to keep it all in my head at once (probably because I am
uninterested). I gave up on that and spent a few hours putting
together a small hack/April fools day gag for tomorrow. The grad house
has displayed poorly printed copies of photos from mars and the moon
in the little Plexiglas frame that resides in the elevator for
several months. I have been tired of them for some time, so I replaced
them with little displays depicting Hoth, Arrakis, and other fictional
planets. Mine are actually much nicer than theirs. I wonder
how long they will stay on display if I don't remove them.
I learned a new term today: glamourbombing
That link won't make a whole lot of sense until you understand that
there are people out there that believe that they are secretly deep
inside fae (a class that includes elves, fairies, pixies, and
whatnot). The only reason they look human to you and I is because so
many people don't believe. Glamour is a type of magical energy
produced by believing in nonsense. I like the idea of random absurdist
art, but the physical universe already fills me with so much wonder
and awe that I don't think I will be contributing to the glamour any
time soon.
22:49:33 Thursday April 01 2004
I have very little to report today. I got up, taught class, helped
deliver our cs590d presentation, went to cs636. After class we held a
quick group meeting to check on the state of the router. After that I
returned to my office, and caught up on email. I had dinner with
Lehmann (FISH!). I think he fancies the young lady working at the
restaurant. Then I returned to my office to do a little work on
Professor Jun Xie's project before heading home. I talked with Yakov
for a bit, which is something that does not happen often enough any
more, and now I am headed for bed. Perhaps I will have news tomorrow.
18:54:36 Friday April 02 2004
New Toy

04:03:39 Saturday April 03 2004
Today was not good. I called off work and went to the health
center. Things are not as good as one would hope, but not as bad as I
had feared. I spent the evening with Terry and Matt.
07:26:18 Monday April 05 2004
Things, in general, are not good. Matt and Sara with no 'h' are on the
outs (broken up?). I have more tests RSN. Everyone's stress
level is becoming too high. There was the fish incident which was
really Much
Ado About Nothing. Much like the Shakespeare it turned out to be
one big comedy of errors.
I have been having trouble concentrating and as a result I didn't get
anything done Saturday. I did get to spend the evening talking with
John. Everyone should view his new webpage. I don't get
enough time to talk with John any more. So long as I wasn't getting
any work done chatting with John was the next best thing I could
Today I had dinner with Matt, Chris, and John. Note to self: Avoid
Bruno's fettuccine in the future. After dinner I headed up to the
office and put in 12 hours of work. I got quite a bit accomplished. I
suppose it is time to grab some sleep now.
22:15:30 Monday April 05 2004
So as it turns out I am not
dying after all. I mean in the Tibetan philosophy, Sylvia Plath
sense of the word, we're all dying [1]. But I am not
dying in the "unpleasant malignant cells decide to choke off important
vital systems" sense of the word. So I suppose the world will have to
put up with me for a while longer.
06:15:26 Wednesday April 07 2004
New plan:
- Leave all network cards, magazines, novels, etc at home.
- Take diogenese (my laptop) to campus.
- Hide somewhere quiet and work on stuff.
- Profit?
I feel I am spending too much time browsing the web. Crunch time is
coming up and I want to get as much as possible done before hand.
22:46:24 Wednesday April 07 2004
I have felt out of it all day today. It is like some kind of permanent
vertigo. Perhaps I should be sleeping more. The meeting with Katy went
well. We are going to get together later this week to discuss global
design changes for our next phase of development.
The plan to deprive myself of a network connection seems to be working.
23:36:58 Thursday April 08 2004
I got up bright and early this morning. For some reason
breakfast is becoming a more common event. I finished the notes for
cs490-dsp. I did my teaching (concerning markov chains) and went to
class. This afternoon I put Katy's code into a good state so that we
can attack it tomorrow. Sorry about all the super short entries. Time
is precious to me right now, and will continue to be for several more
03:44:23 Monday April 19 2004
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