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19:48:57 Tuesday November 02 2004
Vote Damnit!
Vote Damnit!
Vote Damnit!
Cary Quad polling place circa 16:30 this afternoon.
WBAA (the local NPR station) is reporting a four hour wait!

21:02:19 Tuesday November 02 2004
vote damnit!

While I waited to vote at Cary Quad this evening I noticed that people were starting to leave. They were making statements like "It is four o'clock now, and there is a three hour wait. I won't get to vote." I tried to set them straight, but I got some skeptical looks.

So I ran up to my office and printed out a bunch of copies of The Indiana Voter's Bill of Rights. I returned to the polling place and stood 15.24 meters away and handed them out. The Republican pamphleteer looked at me like I was crazy, but I kept telling people who entered the polling place that: "If you are in line by 6:00 they have to let you vote!"


00:20:39 Thursday November 04 2004
Hail To The Chief

My candidate did not win the election for President of The United States of America last night. However, George W. Bush won fair and square. Today media outlets (both mainstream and blogs) feature two types of people.

The first type say: "The election is over. Now is the time for the end to partisanship. We need to reach across the aisle."

The second type say: "I can't believe my candidate lost! His party is doomed. I am moving to Canada!"

Both of these arguments are idiotic. The first is simply naive. Of course it is not time to "reach across the aisle". My candidate just lost. We cannot afford to compromise right now. I expect his party to fight tooth and nail for every inch of political ground. This way we have less ground to win back next election.

The second argument is cowardly and dangerous. If the opponents of the current establishment all flee then no one will be here to argue their case. The establishment will stand in perpetuity. They have a duty to stay and convince their countrymen that there is a better way. Say what you will about Evangelical Christians, but they are not afraid to try and convince you they are right.

Finally: I have to say Hail to the Chief. I do not like the President that my countrymen have chosen, but the election results clearly show that they chose him in accordance with the Constitution of these United States. As such I must respect and acknowledge his office. Of course I will oppose most of his policies tooth and nail, I will call my congresspeople and ask them to vote against bills, I may even protest. But I am sick of this "not my president" shit. As far as the US is concerned he is everyone's president. If you voted against him you are in the minority and you need to respect the fact that a clear majority of people in this country voted for him. Otherwise you need to find some other system of government and you had better think hard because "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried."


01:44:21 Monday November 08 2004

Note to self: There used to be a comic book entitled Captain Science. (This is my use of this journal as a thought bucket.)


01:58:18 Monday November 08 2004
Some UNIX stuff I always forget for the thought bucket:

/* Add a persistent default gateway */
edit: /etc/conf.d/net
add/uncomment the line

/* Adding a default route */
route add -net gw 192.168.1.x

/* add execute permisions to all directories below . */
find . -type d -exec chmod a+x {} \;

/* determine modules for things on the PCI bus (linux) */

/* build a kernel */
make menuconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make install
make modules
make modules_install

03:59:48 Monday November 08 2004
All Hail The Hypnotoad!

The update for last weekend got eaten when the server went down. Here is a reconstruction:

I had a very eventful weekend. On (last) Friday I ran down to Indy to pick Matt up from the airport. After we made it back up he, Morgan, Terry, Sara (with no 'h'), and myself had dinner at Scotty's. After dinner I joined Terry and Morgan in line at the Neon Cactus. We hung out in the piano bar (not my favorite activity) for a while. Brad and Castor joined us after their trip to the airport. Later Wanke and the Jensens joined us. At some point I snuck out of the piano bar and Cretia and I ended up on the dance floor.

We danced for quite a while, metabolizing alcohol to fuel our rhythmic movements. Soon Wanke and Castor appeared on the dance floor as well. Scott came and went several times, and I began to like the male to female ratio less and less. Just then I caught sight of a lovely young lady named Shallamar. I didn't know her name was Shallamar at the time of course (actually with the loud music that became quite an issue: "what's your name?" "Shallamar" "Shelly?" "No Shallamar" "Sally?" "No Shallamar"). However I mustered my courage and went over to dance with her. She was friendly if a bit distant and her friends were very nice. I met Bob, Nikki (95% chance I spelled that wrong), and Joe. They were perhaps a little too nice, because Joe kindly provided us with generous shots of liquid cocaine. This proved to be a bit much for Shallamar's system and as we danced she became more distant and began to look a little green around the edges. Just after last call we left the dance floor and called her friends over. Bob invited me to join them at Denny's and I accepted hoping that we could get some food and juice into her and I could learn more about the fair lady Shallamar. However, when we got there she was not feeling at all well so we called it off. I returned home with her phone number.

(Last) Saturday was the all hallows eve party. Essentially everyone came. It was good fun. Even John and Terry were civil to each other which is a small miracle in and of itself. The costumes were amusing and pictures will follow soon. I think that a good time was had by all even though I was a particularly bad host this year due to financial concerns.

On (last) Sunday I recuperated and cleaned the house.

This weekend was much less eventful. On Friday I ran around quite a bit. I went to class, ran several minor errands, met with Professor Xie, met with Brian (my CS541 partner), and generally got stuff done. That evening I had dinner with the lovely Shallamar and her friends at Scotty's. Unfortunately I could not stay with that group for too long. I had promised Castor earlier in the week that I would play in his Wraith game if he came up from Muncie. And, true to my word I returned to the house for the game.

Saturday was a complete waste. We (Castor and Lehmann crashed in the empty bedrooms) were all exhausted from long weeks, and no one wanted to get up until well into the afternoon. Even after we awoke we just couldn't seem to motivate ourselves to do anything. We watched some television and generally wasted a lot of time. Late in the evening Castor went a little stir-crazy and we ended up going on a long walk around campus.

Today has been much more productive. I cleaned up around the house and prepared for next week. We even managed to squeeze in a late dinner with Lita before Castor skipped town.


01:43:26 Tuesday November 09 2004
Today was Monday as usual. I went to class and I met with my CS541 partner (Brian).

After lunch I met with the ombudsman (Dr Tom Atkinson) to discuss the disagreement that my department and I are having right now. He was very nice and used all the appropriate little psychological tricks to make me "feel that I was being heard". Not that he didn't genuinely want to hear me out, but the conflict management courses were obviously in full effect. I told him my story, and he is going to make a few calls to the department. We will see if they are willing to listen, or if they will become aggravated.

I worked on the Database project a bit more in the afternoon, and then went out to the LBC to celebrate an Arxan birthday. I tried to get some more work done on the database project after dinner, but my mind just wasn't there. Eventually I gave up and returned home.

03:49:39 Wednesday November 10 2004
thought bucket : HOWTO install Java on debian:

download the sun jdk from java.sun.com
# make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin
# dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0_i386.deb
# apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.5debian
# update-alternatives --config java

21:15:27 Wednesday November 10 2004
Brain Burn

Awake for many hours working on database project and replacement installfest flyers. Sleep now.


18:45:56 Thursday November 11 2004
Crosses Row on Row

Dear veterans,




21:19:50 Thursday November 11 2004
More useful unix things for the thought bucket:

hdparm -c3 -d1 -m16

17:10:05 Friday November 12 2004

Extended coverage of the PLUG Flyers Controversy can be found here.


23:40:32 Monday November 15 2004
Weekend Recap:

Friday was very fast paced. I woke up and ran to my office to finish the coding for my meeting with Brian. I completed that (I was almost done the night before) in a couple of hours. Then I dug in and worked on Professor Xie's code for another hour before class. After class I went to the meeting with Professor Xie. It was not a very informative meeting. We discovered another major requirement at the last meeting, and I have not completed work on it yet. After that I ran over to the recitation building and met with Brian concerning our CS541 project. It looks like it is in good shape. After that meeting I ran back to the office and threw together the page concerning the PLUG flyers. After that I scurried out the door and went to shower and then pick up Shallamar for our date. We grabbed some dinner at Panera. Then went and saw the One Size Fits All Improv Troupe at the local Methodist Church. The event was sparsely attended to say the least. Once that was over we went and had desert at Eight West which was followed by several hours of dancing. It was a good evening, but the entire day was very busy so I was exhausted.

I got a late start on Saturday. After I awoke I ran over to the PLUG Installfest I helped out there for a while, ate their pizza, and departed. I did some laundry and helped John measure out some CAT5 to connect his XBox to Microsoft's XBox live service. We talked for quite a while mostly about politics and the like.

On Sunday I finished washing the massive amounts of laundry that needed to be cleaned. I also cleaned the house a bit and prepared for the coming week. I made some good progress on Agent Young's background story for John's spy game this weekend. Lehmann wanted to go see The Incredibles, but that fell through.

Today I overslept and missed class. I am determined to accomplish something today anyways. I have worked on the website and professor Xie's code. Hopefully I will finish the Agent Young story before the evening ends.

23:58:05 Monday November 15 2004
Interstate 69

You have got to be kidding me.

Update: They are kidding.


19:46:55 Wednesday November 17 2004
Another UNIX thought for the thought bucket:

Find Webservers!

nmap --randomize_hosts -T1 -sS -PS80 -p 80 -oG out.txt xxx.yyy.zzz.0/24

07:00:40 Saturday November 20 2004

On any other day the brainburn man would be today's illustration. However when I awoke early to work on the Professor Xie's code I discovered a letter offering me full time employment in my inbox. Unfortunately that really took the inertia out of my morning work as I read all the documents. I got a little bit of work done on Professor Xie's project before our meeting at 13:30.

After the meeting I ran over to Student Services and filled out a bunch of paperwork (mostly concerning the T-Shirt sale) for the GSB. After that I called my father and told him about the job offer. He imparted his wisdom concerning these matters. After that I called up Arxan, asked a few questions, and accepted the offer of employment. After all that I had only a little bit of time to work on the databases project before I was off to dinner. Today was John's birthday, and as is customary I bought him dinner. After that I returned to campus woefully unprepared for my meeting with Brian. Thankfully he was understanding and we agreed to meet at noon tomorrow.

I immediately scurried back to my office and called my grandparents. They were ecstatic about the job. They were worrying themselves sick thinking that I would not find work. Then I dug into the databases project and got more than caught up. Brian should be pleased with the state of the project tomorrow. Now it is time to sleep. So many things happened today that I am sure there is at least one omission, but such is life.

07:45:45 Sunday November 21 2004

Approximately 14 hours of work on the database project. It is now in much better shape.


04:16:09 Thursday November 25 2004
Anderson court house

As you can tell from the illustration I am back in the dreaded A-Town for the thanksgiving holiday. I am (wrongly) considered rather infamous here. (The reason why is left as an exercise for students of Google-fu)

I missed Castor's Wraith game on Sunday. I was disappointed about that, but the database project was finished on Monday fully six hours ahead of schedule. Which was a great relief. I didn't have much time to enjoy it though. I goofed off a bit and then crashed Monday night.

On Tuesday I got up early and went over to Arxan with all of my employment paperwork. Actually I got up much too early (given the sleep deprivation that I was suffering from) so I returned home and caught a three hour nap. At the urging of Terry I had planned to have a very small "Dan has a job" celebration that evening. Ironically Terry and several others had to bail out. None the less Lehmann, Sara with no 'h', and I went to Olive Garden and made the best of it. It was a lot of fun. From there I climbed back up to my office and spent the entire night working on a major change to Professor Xie's project.

Today I awoke after three hours sleep and spent the majority of the day debugging the code I wrote the night before. I was very pleased that I was able to produce a seriously functional program at the meeting this afternoon. After that I went to my office and cleaned up a few things discovered at the meeting. Then I printed my Christmas list. Yeah, I know it seems juvenile, but you have to understand that my family DEMANDS a Christmas list over thanksgiving and failure to produce one is cause for serious griping.

As I left Lafayette this evening the first snow of the year was just beginning to accumulate. Travel was very slow. The combination of (1) people figuring out how to drive on snow again and (2) a great number of people traveling long distances was a recipe for disaster. I took state roads all the way here knowing that taking the interstate under these circumstances was tantamount to gambling with my life. I had to stop and help not one, but two people who had slid off the road and into ditches filled with very cold water. I hit A-Town rather late, but I still had time to hang out with the family this evening. Tomorrow: A long needed head shaving and Turkey with what Ms Lane would call "the Fam".

03:04:25 Sunday November 28 2004

Turkey day went well. I got to eat lots of poultry and what not. The family is growing rapidly. It seems that all the grandchildren that were not married or engaged arrived with a {boy,girl}friend. I am sure that most of my cousins will be considered "distant relatives" to my children. I simply cannot see how this kind of large gathering is going to be practical for much longer.

On Friday I was scheduled to attend a "get together" with highschoool people at Laura's house. Unfortunately Amber and myself were the only two to show up. I felt badly for Laura. We talked for a bit, but with attendance being what it was we disbanded rather quickly. Amber and I hopped over to Muncie and had a beer or two with Castor at Scoty's.

This morning I got up and headed to Lafayette. Something I had originally planned on doing last night. When I arrived I discovered that the water heater died had flooded a significant fraction of the house. As a result I spent the majority of today mopping stuff up and what not. I did get some work done on Agent Young's background for the spy game. Tomorrow: install a new water heater.


18:49:49 Monday November 29 2004
The Purdue Exponent is publishing the Salary Book, more properly known as The Annual Report of Names, Positions, Departments, Percent Effort, and Compensation of Public Employees in the Employ of Purdue University, in tomorrow's edition. I think this is a great idea, however I suspect it will be very divisive. Faculty tend to be an egocentric lot.

I had been contemplating scanning the entire Salary Book for some time, but I never found the time. After all it is 335 pages long. You can see my early efforts on my home server (which is not located on any university machine).

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