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08:16:15 Wednesday April 06 2005
Last night I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Dr Michael Shermer at Butler University. I became aware of the lecture at the very last minute. Castor, Sara with no 'h', and I jumped in the car and made a B-Line for Indy. Castor even called off work to attend. This probably represents the first time in history that a Taco Bell employee has skipped work to see a science lecture.
The title of the lecture was The Science of Good and Evil which is of course the title of one of Dr Shermer's more recent books. He first established morality (in the form of reciprocal altruism) as a helpful evolutionary development for social animals as one would expect. However I found his next step of constructing a moral system that is neither dogmatically absolute nor irrationally relative interesting. He proposes a provisional morality, based on science yet flexible enough to take human diversity and varied contexts into account. I suppose that I had fallen for the false dichotomy that one is either a moral-absolutist or a moral-relativist. This certainly gives me something to think about.
Ohler is so punk!
21:50:00 Thursday April 14 2005
Not a whole lot to report recently. Friday the black shirts closed
down the cactus. Lita is a saint for
getting us all home in one piece. On Saturday Sara and I recovered the
car and went out and bought gardening things. Amongst the many things we
purchased were raspberries. We planted three varieties in my new raspberry
Work has been quite busy recently (in a good way). I am now the
administrator of the Indiana
Skeptics website. It is just a place holder for now, but expect
more soon. If you have a skeptical mind-set then feel free to head
over and sign up for the mailing list.
07:32:18 Tuesday April 19 2005
Outside my house this morning.
Now all my water has rust in it.
20:05:06 Wednesday April 20 2005
I acquired a new camera. As a result the quality of the photographs
around her should improve greatly.
On Sunday Castor ran his Wraith campaign. Most of the session was
consumed by character/shadow creation for new players. None the less
it is a good game. I think Castor is excited about the campaign again
so I expect more soon.
I forgot to mention earlier that due to a lapse in my auto insurance
when I was a starving grad student I now have a 90 day suspension on
my license (until July 5th). As a result I purchased a bicycle and I
now ride to and from work every day. It is good for me.
Work has been very busy. I did not feel at all well today so I came
home at a reasonable hour. Sara with no 'h' was kind enough to take
care of me this evening. Hopefully I will feel better after 10 hours
05:45:58 Friday April 22 2005
I had a dream about run traces last night. This is
probably not a good sign. Now off to Ohio to meet with military
I spent most of Friday in Dayton. I returned to West Lafayette about 18:00. After a quick two hour nap I headed back into the office and did some more hacking. I got home about 23:30 and found my place infested with humans playing starcraft. I hung out with them for a bit before retiring for the evening.

On Saturday Sara and I packed up and headed to Chicago. It started snowing as we were leaving which was rather odd for late April. We arrived at Sara's ancestral home with about an hour to spare. We cleaned up and drove to Jaina's place. There her family allowed us to join their seder. Neither Sara nor I had ever attended a seder, so it was a novel experience. As it turns out horse radish is a bitter herb.

After dinner we went out to a bar where I met several more of Sara's friends including Betsy and Kira. After awakening on Sunday we headed out to Walker Brothers for pancakes. The food there was truly delicious. I had a giant apple-cinnamon pancake. I had to poke it to let the air bubbles out. It was quite tasty.

After pancakes we headed to Wrigleyville for a Cubs game. It was cold, but shortly after we arrived the sun came up and made it bearable. This was not only my first Cubs game, but also my first major league baseball game. Strangely enough the Cubs won. What are the odds?
It has taken me almost a a week to get the weekend update in here. We will hope that next week will have more updates. With things at work going like Gang Busters that may not occur. Also, photos of the trip to Chicago are available.
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