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23:22:48 Sunday July 17 2005
My dislike of Florida is well known. Here we see a picture
illustrating my point. One of these places is a dank swamp filled with
disagreeable creatures, the other is that place where Yoda lived. See if
you can tell which is which? For the answer look here.
Belly Dancers outside of borders on Friday (2005-07-15) night.
Borders bookstore circa 23:45 on 2005-07-15.

More photos here.
My favorite costumes are below.

Sara is out of town for some job related training in Indianapolis. My project at work is looking good. I did seven loads of laundry tonight. I must have washed every stich of fabric that I own. The image to the left should satisfy any skeptic that I am in fact the biggest dork in the universe. Yay Gencon!
The Lafayette Citizens Band preformed at the James F. Riehle Plaza, in downtown Lafayette this evening. My fellow Indiana Skeptic Robert Craig played first bassoon. I don't know enough about music to render an informed opinion, but it sounded as though he did a very fine job to me.
09:17:36 Wednesday July 27 2005
I spent this weekend in Chicago with the lovely Sara with no 'h'. On Friday we were fortunate enough to see Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind. The Neo-Futurist put on a good show as always.
After Sara had a bit of dental work done on Saturday we went to the MSI to see Gunther von Hagens' Korperwelten (a.k.a. Body Worlds). I was very pleased to get an opportunity to see this exhibit. Due to the controversy surrounding it this will be the only American showing and it will only show until September. The show is strongly recommended to anyone with a curiosity about anatomy. I found it surprising how hard Herr von Hagens punched the materialism button. With quotes from Seneca, Nietzsche, Epicurus, and others he really seemed to want to hammer in the point that we are material beings and that when we die all that is left are our physical remains.Well, enough about last weekend I am off to Defcon 13 in Las Vegas. Happy hacking everyone.
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