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04:39:33 Sunday October 09 2005
Let some mysterious chunk of space debris
Puncture the roof and set me free

20:46:43 Monday October 17 2005
Sorry about the dead air. I am back now. I have been quite busy. The weekend of the 8th I spent locked in the library writing a SBIR proposal for Non-Performance Degrading Software Protection for Real-time Processes. The submission is closed now so you can't submit a proposal that competes with the one that I wrote for Arxan. Most of the ensuing week was spent editing that and other SBIR proposals.

This weekend we went to Saint Elmo's Steakhouse to celebrate Terry's birthday. We ate very well and had some fantastic wines including:

In other news gridlock.rcac.purdue.edu is dead. Someone finally decided to claim my old Linux box from Research Computing. They formatted it and installed Windows on it. Oh well, it was a good little machine while it lasted.

The newest Robert Jordan book entitled Knife of Dreams was released on the 11th. Castor, Brad and I are speeding through the book confirming our theories as we go. The series has gone on quite long enough at this point (EoTW 688 + TGH 600 + TDR 624 + TSR 704 + FoH 704 + LoC 720 + CoS 720 + PoD 604 + WH 625 + CoT 704 + KoD 783 = 7476 Pages) and we just want to see how the remaining mysteries, of which there are many, turn out.

16:12:04 Wednesday October 19 2005
Kitchen Art in West Laffayette has website.

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