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20:09:14 Tuesday May 01 2007 ![]()
Photos from Please Remain Standing While the Bus is
in Motion: Works in many media by fine arts seniors are here.
20:42:44 Monday May 14 2007 ![]()
I am behind on the log at the moment. Instead of dumping everything in
a giant post let's see if I can't catch up in a series of posts early
this week. A couple Fridays back, 2007-05-04 to be exact, my lovely
girlfriend, Sara and I
found plenty to do right here in town.
First we went to the gallery walk in downtown Lafayette. In addition to the regular arts and crafts we discovered the excellent headquarters of Helen Magazine and sipping chocolate at Kathy's Homemade Kandies that was so rich it made me queasy. After some searching we finally made it to our destination, Some Assembly Required a strange performance art kind of thing put on by some Ivy Tech art history students run amok. It was a lot of fun gluing things to their collage and what not. Photos from the event here. Afterward, we retired to the house where Sara and I produced the beautiful and delicious pizza shown here. 19:22:21 Tuesday May 15 2007 ![]()
This is the second in a series of posts attempting to catch up on
older events. On Saturday 2007-05-05 I traveled to Bloomington to
watch my sister matriculate. Chrissy finished her
degree in marketing from the prestigious Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Tavis Smiley gave the
commencement address. After the ceremony we went to Chrissy's
apartment for lunch.
Chrissy will soon be joining the West Lafayette contingent as she is using her new found degree to take a position at Lafayette Interior Fashions. On the way out of Bloomington we stopped at Oliver Winery. They have a very nice location for tasting with a shop and a park. They also have a number of new wines that are much dryer than their previous offerings. I may have to return before too long. That evening Sara and I attended Mr Ohler's Cinco de Mayo party. Wanke and Scott were there, and I met some new people with names I cannot remember. The military defeat of debt collectors is a great reason to party. The following Tuesday, 2007-05-08, Sara, Brad, and I joined Josette and crew for a truly epic Failure Party. Expensive cocktails were enjoyed and the bar's kegs ran dry. 13:11:06 Wednesday May 16 2007 I forgot to provide a link to the photographs of Chrissy's graduation in the last post. 00:00:02 Friday May 18 2007 ![]()
This is the third in a series of log entries intended to bring catch
up on past events. Last Friday (2007-05-11) I attended a lab party
held by Sara's supervising professor. It was a back yard cookout /
pitch in thing; as such Sara and I prepared Samosas. All of Sara's
lab mates were there and they each
brought delicious food to share. The Kinzigs were particularly gracious
in extending their hospitality to us. A good time was had by all.
Sara had rat duty on Saturday, but that didn't stop us from wandering around down town and stumbling upon the farmer's market by sheer chance. I have lived in town for going on ten years and I have never been to the farmer's market. It attracts a very interesting mixture of people. Sara purchased some asparagus and it was quite good. While downtown we also discovered the coolest thistle ever. Photos here. 18:43:17 Friday May 25 2007 ![]()
I am still trying to catch up. On 2007-05-13 Sara and I got up bright
and early to drive to a breakfast in Champaign-Urbana. Although the
breakfast never happened we did get the opportunity to spend time with
Sara's family and watch her sister, Katie, graduate. I captured a few
photos of the event which can be found here.
While we were there we celebrated Mothers' Day and got to see the art produced by all of the graduating seniors. Due to the early start and all the events of the day by the time we returned to West Lafayette we needed a nap.
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