Algorithmic Composition

TIMTOWTDI → "often means there is more than one really bad way to do it." Tim Cuffel in comp.lang.perl.misc

  • Stochastic -- Probabalistic approaches (e.g. Markov Chains)
  • Rule-based -- More traditional approach, but difficult to program. Possible rules include "Don't play notes below middle C" or "Parallel fifths are not allowed". Closely related to expert systems.
  • Artificial intelligence -- Attempts for the system to somehow "learn" some heuristics or "rules of thumb" about what is good music and what is noise.
  • Grammars -- Linguistic and "compiler" related techniques.
  • Chaotic -- General weirdness (e.g. Fractral Techniques)

Andrei A Markov

Markov chains can be used when:
(1) We have a finite number of possible states, and
(2) We know the transition possibilities, mij, which dictate the probability that a system in state j will move to state i after one unit of time.

Remember this?

To handle things mathmaticaly:

So what are these probabilities for music?



Something Else?

The Future

Life is hard... But

What to cover next?

Project 2
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