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Hot Damn there was an [E2] gathering in Ohio. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment
and what not. They are in quasi-chronological order. They are also a bit largeish in size: on
the order of 100k apiece. /msg brainwave for questions, comments, removal requests, et

Respectfully Submitted,

Peep jousting should be a registered sport (featuring the fingers of [Void_Ptr])

Noders in the park

More noders in the park

Even more noders in the park

I was not yet tired of taking pictures of noders in the park

[ideath] has incrediable juggling powers (which she shared with those willing to learn her secrets)

This tree stole our Aerobe flying disk... many times... It suffered greatly fot it's crimes

musicaly inclined noders can only sing one verse... no one reads those lyrics nodes anyway

[Kurt] is the pope. He has lots of property. Would you like some?

There was still a bit of paranoia at bedtime friday evening

The lovely [becca]

[dizzy] on the porch


[indra363] drinks coffee outside

[jrph] can neither confirm nor deny that he climbed on things upstairs

[karmaflux] is good people

[katyana] is awesome

[mideval] takes a break from the activities on the couch

nerf warfare

[sane guy] is our hero he got us to the starliner dinner (but that was later) 

[void_ptr] without her leather booty

[gonejackel] wonders why I am photographing him

name? has a cool t-shirt and a sore hiney?

[impishlaugh] drinks coffee on sunday morning

[mideval] prepares to depart

[zot-fot-piq] our host extraordinare

[andera] has a halo... obviously she doesn't know how much sap was spiled retreving the areobe

[pyrogenic] knows many things about digital cameras

the lost noder convoy en route to the starliner diner

[chihuahua grub] is happy and sideways

many noders ignore me while dinning

hey! look over here! I am trying to take a picture of dinning noders!

[name?] and [rob] at the diner

[stand/alone/bitch] allows herself to be photographed under duress

noders begin to gather outside the diner

[wonkodsane] in his snazzy jacket

[ideath] remembered her leave on the table box

beware the powers of [ccunning]

[jessicapierce] is mysterious

once again the lovely [becca]

[pyrogenic] took a picture of clouds

[pyrogenic] looks like a serial killer

this duck has no head

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