Money In Willsbane

Transactions in gold, silver, and other precious metals are rare in Willsbane. Almost all buying and selling occurs through the exchange of government issued currency. Those of high stature sometimes use promissory notes or cheques for large transactions.

1 Pound == 1 Quid == Symbol : £

1 Shilling == 1 Bob == 1/20th Pound == Symbol : s

1 Pence == 1 Penny == 1/12th Shilling == Symbol : d

1 Halfpence == 1 Halfpenny == 1/2 Pence == Symbol : ½d

1 Farthing == 1/4th Pence == Symbol : ¼d

Prices are often written in the form:
So if you can purchase the mad hatter's hat "in this style" for 0/10/6 then the cost is zero pounds, 10 shillings, and 6 pence.

Average Per Annum Salaries

Manual Laborer : 300 £

Sweatshop Worker (woman or child) : 60 £

Accountant or Actuary : 1200 £

Constable : 1200 £

Inspector : 1600 £

Doctor : 1800 £

Lawyer : 2400 £

Guard : 325 £

Printer : 1300 £

Professor : 900 £

Zombie : 0 £

Apothecary : 1100 £

Nurse : 100 £

Silversmith : 5000 £

Blacksmith : 1800 £

Servant Low (Maid, Scullion, Manservant) : 80 £

Servant High (Valet, Butler, Seneschal) : 800 £

Reporter : 700 £

Architect : 1100 £

Prostitute : 300 £

Banker : 2400 £